The climate is changing, and the Earth’s resources are being exploited.
According to the latest report by the United Nations scientific panel on climate change,
collective and significant global action is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and to keep global warming below 2°C (EC website, 2014). As the environmental
degradation continues to occur in an accelerated way, time is of the essence for taking
effective precautions. Due to its inputs, outputs, and the construction process, the
construction industry can adversely affect the environment. Enhancing lean and
sustainability performance of the construction industry can contribute to the reduction
of the construction industry’s footprint. Integrated BIM usage can be an effective tool
in enhancing sustainability and lean performance of construction project management
and of asset management. Based on an in-depth literature review, this chapter focuses
on the implementation of BIM in the construction project management phases and
buildings' lifecycle covering the ‘asset management'. This chapter is expected to
enhance the literature especially with its scope and holistic view.
Keywords: BIM, Construction project management, Lean and agile project
management, Sustainability.