Iatrogenic neurological disorders can be induced by several factors, such as
pharmacological agents prescribed for treatment or prevention (drug-induced
neurological disorders [DIND]), complications of diagnostic and treatment procedures,
like cerebral angiography or lumbar puncture, organ transplantation (related to the
surgical procedure of transplantation, post-transplant immunosuppression,
opportunistic infection or the inherent disorders that lead to transplantation), radiation
therapy, etc. Iatrogenic neurological effects may be devastating due to the higher
potential irreversibility of central nervous system, peripheral nervous system,
neuromuscular junction (NMJ) and/or muscular system involvement. DIND represent
the majority of iatrogenic neurological disorders. Drugs may directly induce
neurological damage (through primary neurotoxicity, such as damage to the bloodbrain
barrier [BBB], disturbances of brain energy metabolism, ion
channels/neurotransmitters disturbances, mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolitemediated
toxins, drug-induced selective cell death) or do so indirectly (cardiovascular,
hematological or renal effects). Identification of DIND is important because early
recognition and drug withdrawal can prevent irreversible damage. The numerous
intrinsic risk factors for DIND should be well known by medical practitioners.
Keywords: Anticholinergic syndrome, Choreoathetosis, Dyskinesia, Dystonia,
Encephalopathies, Intracranial hypertension, Meningitis, Myoclonus, Myopathies,
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, Neuromuscular junction, Neurotoxicity, Organ
transplantation, Parkinsonism, Polyneuropathy, Radiation therapy, Serotonin
syndrome, Sympathomimetic syndrome, Tremor.