Title:Recent Patents for the Treatment of Asthma
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Author(s): David El-Qutob and Isabela Raducan
Anti-cytokine, anti-leukotriene, asthma, IL-15, IL-17, patent, TLR7.
Abstract: Background: Despite adequate adherence and completion of anti-asthmatic treatment,
many patients remain poorly controlled or uncontrolled. Asthma management is based on the use of
medication to reverse the bronchial obstruction and eliminate the airway inflammation. New drug development
is expected in the future as a consequence of discoveries in the pathophysiology and
mechanisms of asthma. Currently, a good and effective set of treatments is available for these diseases.
However, the search for new treatment modalities to improve the currently available is especially important
for those patients unresponsive to current therapy.
Objective: In this review, we summarize new anti-cytokines therapies, anti-leucotrienes molecules, immunomodulatory
and anti-inflammatory agents, researched for treatment of asthma.
Method: Database patents were used for searching new patents from 2015 and from the beginning of 2016 about treatment
of asthma.
Conclusion: Pharmacogenomic point of view is now being considered by most major pharmaceutical companies as line of
investigation without end in the nearest horizon. Pharmacogenomics has the potential to notably improve the safety and
effectiveness of medications.