Title:The Role of Apelins in the Physiology of the Heart
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Author(s): Suna Aydin, Mehmet Nesimi Eren, Ìbrahim Sahin and Suleyman Aydin
Apelins, cardiovascular system, fluid homeostasis, peptides.
Abstract: Apelins are a peptide hormone known as the ligand for the G protein-coupled APJ receptor. There are many
different forms of apelin in the circulation. Apelins and their receptors are expressed in the central nervous system, including
the hypothalamus, and in numerous other peripheral tissues. These peptides are also synthesized in and secreted from
the adipose tissues. Additionally, apelins were immunohistochemically shown to be synthesized in smooth muscle cells in
the media of the left internal mammary artery (LIMA) and the saphenous vein, fibroblast cells in the media of the aorta
and endothelial cells of the intima. Similarly, it was recently reported that the enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA)
measurements of apelins were similar to its immunohistochemical data in the tissues of the aorta and left internal mammary
artery. Apelins which are rapidly eliminated from the circulation have a half life of less than eight minutes. The
normal concentration of apelins in the human plasma ranges between 1.3 ng/mL and 246±0.045 ng/mL. Apelins serve important
functions in food intake, vasopressin (anti-diuretic hormone: ADH) and histamine release, gastric acid, bicarbonate
secretion and insulin secretion, diuresis, cell proliferation, angiogenesis, glucose-fluid balance and regulation of gastrointestinal
motility and cardiovascular system. Therefore, this review aims to focus on the potential role of the apelin
system in the balance of the cardiovascular system.