Title:Low-temperature Plasma - a Prospective Microbicidal Tool
Volume: 7
Issue: 3
Author(s): Andreas Helmke, Petra Grunig, Ulrich-Markus Fritz, Dirk Wandke, Steffen Emmert, Karin Petersen and Wolfgang Viol
Antiseptic, Candida albicans, dermatology, Escherichia coli, low-temperature plasma, Microsporum canis, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, plasma, microdischarges
Abstract: The effects of low-temperature plasma treatment on microorganisms typically related to skin diseases are studied
qualitatively by the inhibition of growth and viability assays to evaluate the potential for classifying as a prospective
antiseptic agent. A variety of microorganisms enveloping gram- negative and gram-positive bacteria as well as one genus
of yeast and fungus each were exposed to plasma in vitro. In a comparative approach, two power supplies, both of which
produce high voltage pulses yet at different temporal characteristics, are applied for the growth study. While operation
with both devices led to growth inhibition of all microbes, the results indicate a superior antimicrobial efficacy for high
voltage pulse lengths in the nanosecond scale. Fluorescence assays reveal the efficacy of nanosecond-pulse driven plasma
in reducing germ viability. Furthermore, the technical background for patents related to low-temperature plasma technology
in the field of plasma medicine is discussed.