Title: Harnessing Impaired Energy Metabolism in Cancer Cell: Small Molecule- Mediated Ways to Regulate Tumorigenesis
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Author(s): Govardhan K. Shroff, Ramyasri Kuna, Kethora Dirsipam, Ravishekar Yalagala and Prasenjit Mitra
Warburg effect, glutaminolysis, aerobic glycolysis, Myc, Akt, mTOR, Hexokinase II, SGLT2 expression, mitochondrial outer membrane, isozymes, Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), Pyruvate kinase, tumor cell populations, hypoxic tumor cells
Abstract: Altered cellular metabolism is a hallmark of tumorigenesis. Described first in 1924 by Otto Warburg, a cancer cell undergoes complete metabolic reprogramming to attain nutrient self-sufficiency for proliferation and survival. Interplay between diverse signalling cascades confers this metabolic advantage. In this review we focus on signalling molecules that regulate this altered metabolic paradigm in a cancer cell with emphasis on small molecule mediated intervention for attenuation of growth and progression of tumor.