Title:Resorptive Root Features in Mandibular Molars with Pronounced Root
Divergence on Panoramic Radiographs: A Case Series
Volume: 20
Author(s): Su-Jin Jeon and Han-Gyeol Yeom*
- Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and Wonkwang Dental Research Institute, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University, Iksan,
South Korea
Radiography, Panoramic, Cone-beam computed tomography, Dental, Distolingual root.
The visualization and understanding of the details of the root configurations and root canal structure are essential prior to root canal treatment. This
study aimed to identify key indicators of pronounced root divergence between the distobuccal and distolingual roots in mandibular first molars by
highlighting common features observed in panoramic radiographs. These indicators can help predict the likelihood of encountering significant root
divergence before initiating endodontic treatment.
Case Presentation:
We present three cases in which panoramic radiographs displayed imaging features characteristic of root resorption in the distal root of the
mandibular first molars. However, subsequent periapical radiographs in case 1 and cone-beam computed tomography images in cases 2 and 3
revealed that the mandibular first molars were in normal condition, with pronounced root divergence but no evidence of root resorption.
Panoramic radiographs depicting mandibular molar roots with a resorptive and unclear appearance may indicate the presence of severe root
divergence. In such cases, we strongly recommend additional cone-beam computed tomographic imaging to ensure precise diagnosis and facilitate
optimal treatment planning for endodontic procedures.