Title:Current Trends in the Development of Electrochemical Biosensor for
Detecting Analytes from Sweat
Volume: 31
Issue: 25
摘要: The need for wearable bioelectronics continues to grow, and this technology
might significantly alter the medical field. In order to diagnose and treat a patient, conventional
medicine takes a “reactive” approach and waits for symptoms to appear first.
Therefore, it is preferable to progress toward continuous non-invasive wearable biomonitoring,
a preventative strategy that may assist individuals in diagnosing or treating illnesses
at the earliest stages, sometimes before any outward symptoms have appeared. Wearable
physiological sensors, such as the Apple Watch and FitBit, have arrived on the market
as a result of technology advances and have quickly become commonplace. However,
few devices currently exist that can report directly on these biomarkers of relevance.
This is mostly due to the challenges involved in real-time fluid sampling and generating
correct readouts utilising extremely selective and sensitive sensors. Sweat is an excretory
fluid that is only allowed to be used in order to reduce invasiveness, but this restriction
places additional strain on sensors owing to the diluted concentration of the relevant biomarkers
and the changes in pH, salinity, and other biophysical parameters that directly influence
the read-out of real-time biosensors. Sweat is favoured amid slightly invasive
biofluids due to its low concentration of interfering chemicals and the fact that it may be
collected without touching the mucosal layers. This review offers a concise outline of the
latest advances in sweat-based wearable sensors, their promise in healthcare monitoring,
and the problems faced in analysis based on sweat.